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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Emotions and Decisions

Sorting the clutter out in one's psyche, can be both joyful and painful. Our relatively peaceful existence can be overshadowed by uncertainty, a lack of trust and fear. I have always said, “never make a major decision if emotions are high or if something unforeseen has happened that throws you off track…Sometimes we are going along fine and them bam, a punch from life comes out of nowhere. Think things through carefully, dwell for awhile on potential consequences and then listen to the advice of one who is wise and more importantly, unbiased.

As we think about truth, lies, fantasy and reality; we need complete candor with ourselves even if it causes raw emotions, weakness and the realization of sins. We will inevitably look at what hurts us first because we are so egocentric. For most of us, humility is a work of a lifetime. We also need to search our character for our good attributes too, like compassion for others and a caring spirit. This exercise is not for cowards, but you will be better for it after the the shock of no longer being in denial of who you are wears away.

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Thank you! Guest Writer Beverly J Raffaele


"Motivate yourself to strive for greatness. Without trust in your ability to succeed there is no trust at all. Pride yourself off your knowledge level. You can't pick your cards you just have to play the ones you get. With every success story there is a beginning, a middle, and an end. Create a foundation for yourself that ensures your happiness in the future.

There is a thin line between Good and Evil. If life was perfect it wouldn't be worth living. Allow yourself to fail to achieve your goals and get back up to regain your balance. Challenge yourself, nothing comes easy. Without love there is nothing. Focus on what you can control and the rest will come later. Be a leader not a follower. Saying I can't is never an option. Success lies with those who reach beyond themselves. Think outside the box. Being humble and patient will set you free."

Stephen Mercer